Saturday, July 17, 2010

please send more grass seed. clearly we are starving here.
slippy & drizzle

who needs those new fangled hearing aids?!
call the patent office! i have a better idea.

hippa hands

ooohh! a free bag from the hospital!
a site rarely seen - lunch made and served by KK.
pictures or it didn't happen.
'lil sandwiches!
'lil pickles!
little blue penguin stealing little green pickles.
hippa beams.

it's funny in my head.

Friday, July 16, 2010

professional shrubbery removal.

the garden. back in june.

attack skunks.

fancy knickers!
flowers grow all flowery like..
blackberries. not ripe yet. do not eat.
do you remember when it was so cold we had to keep the plants inside?
i miss that.
vote for chilly, people. vote for chilly.